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So what can you expect from us as your school uniform supplier?


Quality products – we only supply quality schoolwear as this is what makes financial sense for parents. For the school this means smart appearance. Short and concise our products speak for themselves.

Service – At Identity School uniform is supplied to the school in a packed per pupil manner. Allowing it to be distributed to the pupils easily and also orders can be checked quickly. You can speak to any one of our team and get an answer to your question easily. Contact us 24hrs a day and we will respond to you within normal business hours plus Saturdays if required.

Management – The current systems we use and have improvements for are some of the most advanced in the industry. Our system can easily adapt to suite what is best practise for the school. Your distribution covered, your invoicing concise, parent information given all in all we have developed and continue to develop a system with schools to make uniform work for you. You can throttle how much involvement you want with the supply of your uniform in the safe knowledge if there is an issue we will inform you immediatley with potential solutions.

Control – We encourage schools to monitor how a uniform is working within a school. What do you want it to do or say? Do you want it to recognise a year group? Do you need inspiration wear so other children can aspire to an example pupil? Do you want it to say, “Our School has changed, this is how we feel”. Whatever it is with Identity’s assistance we can give you something that no other school uniform supplier can give you under one roof.